Paper submission


This year, FOGA will use the "linklings" submission management system. This system is also used by GECCO, but note that a separate account will be required to submit papers to FOGA.

Link to the Linklings submission page: Linklings

Paper Format

Authors should submit their papers consistent with the alternate 2-column ACM SIG style file "sigconf" by the submission deadline (May 1, 2025). Authors are required to submit their electronic papers in PDF format. The maximum number of pages is 12, including references. Over-length papers will be rejected without review. Supplementary material is welcome but should not be essential to understand the paper.

The proceedings will be published by ACM Press. Instructions for the camera-ready papers will be made available in due time.

Review Process

The review process is double-blind. Authors must omit their names and affiliations from the paper and ensure their identity is not easily revealed. Refer to prior work in a neutral manner. Reviewers should not reveal their identities within the paper reviews. Selection criteria include originality of ideas, correctness, clarity, significance of results, and quality of presentation. The review process will include a rebuttal opportunity for authors before discussion within the Program Committee.

The decision of the Program Committee will be final and cannot be appealed.

Camera Ready Submission